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Author Topic: For those in need of a SWG fix

Posts: 2
For those in need of a SWG fix
on: December 16, 2013, 09:38

Hey TB people

Not sure if any of you still visit wanderhomies but incase you don't I thought id post this here as well

I found the Basilik server to be too large of a time sink for my available playtime these days and came across a server better catered to my play style.

Just providing this info incase anyone wants to play SWG but doesn't have tons of time for it.

The server is Bloodfin EMU and it has some pretty neat features along with a very friendly and helpful GM team. Some of the key features are listed below

- no server wipes ever, the team seems devoted and in it for the long haul

- several player cities generated by the GMs with some of them even including high end mobs. Black sun city for example has DWB inhabiting the place

- the main hub of the server is mos bloodfin on tatooine which has imperial shuttles to every planet in the game. The hub can also be reached instantly from a terminal outside major cities

- events such as tusken king invasion. Mara jade, ect. They all drop sweet loot and keep things interesting

- blue frog provides all professions, extremely basic starter gear, and 1900 buffs (Jedi is not on the frog but can be unlocked)

- unlocking Jedi takes 45 poi badges and completion of 2 theme parks. Once unlocked however, you must grind the Jedi XP same as in live

- mobs have lots of great loot and some custom generated loot as well

That covers the basics but if it interests anybody more info can be found here

**do note that the server is still new and doesn't have a huge population. Has potential to grow from what I can see though.

Posts: 74
Re: For those in need of a SWG fix
on: December 19, 2013, 13:49

Sounds good to me. I'll probably check this out in the next few days.

Thanks for the info man.


Posts: 2
Re: For those in need of a SWG fix
on: December 19, 2013, 14:59

Cool man. The community is currently throwing around ideas for a pvp city that flags you with a TEF as soon as you enter.

Should be fun if the developer can pull it off

Posts: 74
Re: For those in need of a SWG fix
on: January 27, 2014, 05:40

I will say that I've been having a blast so far. So many memories from this game. I highly recommend this server is you guys want some old school TB nostalgia. Thanks again Ramin for keeping us up with the info.


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